Why VReX?

Why VReX? Are there not enough devices coming already?

Yes and no. Most cases we tested with our games in development are not up for the tasks.

Here the reasons why:

1. Scalability: Most cases are only designed for a certain hardware product. What if you change your smartphone with a new one or give it to a friend with a different smartphone? Well, in most cases you can’t. Durovis Dive is one of the few out there that covers this issue in most cases so far.

Carl Zeiss’ case is another one on the horizon, but in our opinion to expensive.

2. Affordability: Some cases out there are to expensive, or cheap Cardboards and lack in quality, and are not up to our own standards. We are trying to fill the gap and requirements for a proper immersive experience with our case for your smartphone.

3. Customizable: Not always one case fits all people. We realized that with the Oculus Rift DK1 for example that around 50% did not had a clear view and 10% could not see anything at all, due to their different FOV on each eye. This made us think and we incorporated this into the device.

So it gives the user the freedom to adjust both lenses for each eye independently.

 Why not just wait for Oculus VR, Morpheus and co?

One reason is wireless! No cables and the recent announcement of Samsungs/Oculus Gear VR is proving what we preaching over 1.5 years already. VR is destined to be wireless and mobile, but we also still believe that wired VR is the alternative choice for the hardcore gamers out there who never leave the bedroom or living room anyways. Well you can do the same with mobile VR too.

It is like in the gaming world right now that PC/Mac, Consoles, Handhelds/Smartphones and Tables are coexisting (more or less peacefully) in the same one dimensional universe.

Well we are waiting for a very looooog time for VR to come to the consumer market. For around 2 years now. It is enough. We have cool games in the making we want you to play this year and not next, or after next!

Also, did we mentioned cables? It is easy to become paranoid if you play an immerse game and have no one around to hold those cables which might lead to ripping off cables from your Desktop/Laptop…

Yes we are Cablephobic! Deal with it! Or don’t if you go mobile!